Back again! This time around I'll be posting about my embroidery adventures, my return to knitting and quilting, and the vast changes looming in my life. Last year my mother and father passed away a month apart, and now as we deal with clearing out their house and scattering their possessions amongst many, there will be reminiscing and childhood photos to share.
Now, I would rather have my mother in my life, but she was done with this life and has moved on to whatever is next. On her passing, I inherited her lovely Singer sewing machine from 1940-something. Love this beast of a machine! It looks dainty, but this can sew just about anything. I know I've seen Mom put it through a heck of a lot of tough stuff - including repairing old Army pup tents!!!!
So, now that I've returned to the normal work-a-day world again, I'll be posting more.