I normally don't do memes because really, no one is THAT interested in me - but I love this one, as it's about my sewing machine, not me! The
"Sew, Mama, Sew!" blog is hosting a sewing machine month and this meme is one of the activities.
What brand and model do you have?
I have a Singer Merritt 4530
How long have you had it?
Going on 15 years now
How much does that machine cost (approximately)?
I think my parents paid $400 for it at the time (It was a birthday present)
What types of things do you sew (i.e. quilting, clothing, handbags, home
dec projects, etc.)?
I sew a lot of different things - clothing, home projects, bags, quilts, scarves, pillows, fabric sculptures, etc.
How much do you sew? How much wear and tear does the machine
I sew at least once a week. The machine has a very hard life with me - I am not easy on my belongings. And it has to do battle with long-haired cat hair.
Do you like/love/hate your machine? Are you ambivalent? Passionate? Does
she have a name?
I enjoy using the machine. I feel no emotion towards it, and it does not have a name. My sewing machine is just a machine.
What features does your machine have that work well for you?
Changing stitch tension & length/width to suit the project and the materials - fast and easy.
Is there anything that drives you nuts about your machine?
It pulls the material diagonally!!! Sewing a straight line on this machine is well nigh impossible. Repeated attempts by repair people to fix this have been futile.
Do you have a great story to share about your machine (i.e., Found it
under the Christmas tree? Dropped it on the kitchen floor? Sewed your fingernail
to your zipper?, Got it from your Great Grandma?, etc.!)? We want to hear
Nope - just a little machine as a present from my parents, as Mom knew I was a big sewing person and didn't have my own.
Well, ok, I think maybe she gave it to me so that I'd stop coveting her 1929 Singer machine so much and asking to borrow it. :)
Would you recommend the machine to others? Why?
Good starter machine. Nothing fancy, but if yours doesn't do the darned diagonal pull thing, it's a good general machine. Never has broken, just gotten mis-aligned and too fuzzy inside, easily cleaned and repaired.
What factors do you think are important to consider when looking for a
new machine?
Ease of use - not too many wacked out computer menus, I don't need computer embroidery, I want it to be able to handle canvas and denim, I'd rather have strength and reliability over fancy stitches.
Do you have a dream machine?
Not really - I haven't been able to afford anything so haven't looked. If I don't know about it I can't be tempted! I do still lust after my Mom's machine, a nifty little black metal Singer sewing machine from 1929. It has lost some of its shine over the years, but I just love the gold filigree decorations on it and how everything is both machinery and pretty. And no cheapo plastic, either! It was marketed as a portable but because of all the metal, it's not that portable! I can remember Mom "oomph"ing as she moved it from one room to another. And I remember the joy when she got the buttonhole attachment, no more by-hand buttonholes, just set it up and the guide would make the machine do it all (well, with you powering the machine and turning the material, that is).